Some of the people and companies I’ve used who have done awesome work, been ridiculously helpful or just been really nice to someone with a very fuzzy idea of how to build a house. 🙂

Christian and Deepti WetjenArchitectsOwners and builders of the Wision House in Doubleview, which used a lot of the same materials I wanted to use. They have gone way above and beyond what you could expect your architects to do.
Neve Cussen (Appleleaf Interiors)Interior DesignExcellent design ideas, great feedback and very professional results.
Gary De Boer (ATU Wastewater Systems)Septic systemGary has been very helpful from the first time I met him at a home expo – always happy to answer questions and took care of the whole council approvals process.
Darren Smith (Smithmill)Timber millingDarren knows his timber and his milling. Runs a very shiny Lucas mill which goes just about anywhere.
Maurice Gullotto (Empire Concrete)ConcreteMaurice is awesome – open to all sorts of ideas, happy to work with owner builders and delivers excellent results (even if you have to drag him off from polishing the slab one more time!)