Bowed to the inevitable (by which I mean “my regular helpers threatened to unionise and go on strike if I tried to do the rest of the roof with materials hoists”) and got a crane in to do the rest of the shed roof panels. Very productive day, where we ripped through the 24 remaining panels in about 6 hours.
The crane (a small’ish Franna) and its people were really good – I’d half expected them to wait for us to do everything except the actual lift, but the driver and dogman both pitched in doing bits and pieces on each panel while they were setting up the slings on it. I reckon an average of four panels/hour is pretty good for an amateur build. 🙂
Packed it in for lunch at about 3pm(!), with the roof all but complete – I have to slice the front two panels roughly in half, as I don’t have any support beams for a full panel out the front – you can see the small gap on the right in the photo below. I didn’t want to keep the crane guys hanging around while I did that though, and I should be able to lift a half panel into place relatively easily.