Put together the north wall of the study/second bedroom, because I had all the bits I needed and it’s a nice level wall (which is unusual on the house). Cut a couple of beams, which slotted nicely into place, and added a small angled one because it meant I could cross-brace the frame.

The little piece up the far end isn’t a beam – it’s just a piece of wood to rest the actual beam to its left on, while I lifted the other end without it slipping off the bracket.
These beams are so much easier than the shed’s ones – the main difference being these ones are only 2.2m off the ground, so I can do a lot from ground level. The lowest beam on the shed was at 2.7m (and it went up quickly from there), so everything was on ladders.

Made another small change from the shed, drilling new holes in the cross-bracing brackets to move the rods closer to the surface of the bales. The rods were quite annoying on the shed – they were 40-50mm inside the bales, so each bale had to be heavily notched around them, then those notches moved as I compressed the walls, the rods were no longer nicely in the notches and it all did its best to shove the wall out of square.
Brought out my venerable old drill press, which made short work of re-drilling 50-something brackets. Pretty happy with the result – the rods are as close as I can get them to the outer face of the posts (which should also be the outer face of the bales) and still get a nut on the rod behind the face of the bracket.