The last main bit of the house frame was the steel post in the corner of the living room windows, and the steel beams to support the windows. This hit a small snag when I checked one of the brackets my fabricators put together:

So had to scoot up to their factory and get them to fix them up post-haste. 🙂

The ever-present hoist came out to help position the post which, unsurprisingly, was a tad heavier than the other timber ones, and had to be mounted on a mortar bed. Left that overnight to settle, with the two beams and the lift holding everything together.
The next day we lifted the steel beams, fixed the post end, marked and trimmed the beams, drilled the holes for the bracket, put it all back up and in place:

This was the first time I’d actually been able to see what the ‘view’ out the main windows would be like, with the roof line finally defined:

The tree in the background is a massive coral tree (often called a flame tree in WA, but it’s not the same as the eastern states’ one) which looks amazing when it flowers. The neighbour’s ugly brick…thing….is not as attractive, but the plan is to conceal that by growing something in front of it.