Rather warm day getting the dog fence started, to keep the muppet where he should be. I’d acquired a bunch of 2nd-hand pool fencing from a local freecycling group, and bought a bundle of pine logs, and spent a rough day with a post-holer getting everything in place and concreted.
The pool fencing actually turned out to be almost perfect – worked around from the neighbour’s building on the boundary to the shed’s lower retaining wall, and it all fitted in very nicely around the ridiculously enthusiastic bush/tree/hedge thing on the boundary:

And some of the pine fencing, letting the concrete dry before stretching any wire across it:

The idea for the block was always for strangers/visitors to be able to come down behind the shed, past the well and to the front door without having to go through the dog yard – this allows people who don’t know my dogs, or aren’t a fan of being slobbered on, to get to me without having to ring me from the road and ask to be let in. One of the strange side effects of strawbale buildings is that it’s really easy to lose track of everything going on outside because it’s just so quiet inside. 🙂