A large pile of rebar appeared! (The big white bag is full of 12mm bars bent into squares, to go into the edge thickening and upstand)
Been a bit quiet in terms of visible progress, but there’s been lots of conversations going on with plumbers (who have mainly stopped freaking out about the whole strawbale thing), sparkies (who are definitely still freaking out about the strawbale thing) and waiting to talk to the concrete guy, Maurice, who is fiendishly busy and trying to fit all his jobs in between rain showers. Finally nailed him down during the week and we talked non-stop for about 90 minutes – the result of which…Continue Reading “Prepping for concrete”
Spent the morning trimming most of the ‘pads’ between the trenches down to the correct height (the sand pad varied in height by 20-30mm, and I’d – wisely? – taken a low point as my baseline) before these two blokes invaded the block and undid most of my good work: Plumbing pre-lay nearly fell in a hole straight away, when we discovered that I’d sent them an old copy of the plans before Neve had worked her magic on the bathroom – so all of…Continue Reading “The invasion of the plumbers”
All of the edge trenches, and the internal trenches under the bedrooms etc, done. One more day should see the house trenches complete and ready for the plumber to do their pre-lay on Monday.
Short digging session this afternoon, finished the south wall of the main room – kitchen, front door and one wall of the living room. Starting to look very house-shaped. I’m leaving the survey pegs in place as long as possible as a backup in case one of my hurdles gets knocked, hence the weird little bulges in the outside edge of the trench. I’m a bit surprised I haven’t managed to kick one of the pegs yet – this one at one side of the…Continue Reading “More house-shaped holes”